Find an Access Gap doctor

Your doctor, specialist, surgeon, anaesthetist, pathologist or radiologist all charge for the medical treatments they provide in hospital. Defence Health can help reduce or even eliminate these costs if your doctor is willing to use Access Gap. 

We have a list of doctors who have registered their details with us indicating that they may be willing to use the Access Gap plan. It is at the doctor's discretion whether they actually use it. If your doctor does not appear on this list that does not necessarily mean they will not use Access Gap. Please ask your doctor if they will use Access Gap. 

Before you start any treatment ask your doctor

  • Will you treat me under Defence Health’s Access Gap Cover scheme?
  • Will I incur any personal out-of-pocket expenses for my treatment and if so, can you give me a written estimate of how much?
  • Will any assisting doctors also use Access Gap?
  • Are you prepared to send the bill to my fund directly, so that they can claim my Medicare benefit on my behalf and send the payment back to you?
  • Some doctors have arrangements at particular hospitals. Ask your doctor whether they will use Access Gap in the hospital of your choice.

Search for an Access Gap doctor by specialty or name.  


The inclusion or exclusion of doctors within this search facility bears no relationship to their skill or experience. You should discuss your choice of specialist with your GP.  Defence Health does not recommend or endorse any doctors. 

Defence Health reserves the right to refuse Access Gap benefits to providers who do not adhere to the Business Guidelines.